Pengaruh Praktik Total Quality Management (TQM) terhadap Budaya Kualitas dan Daya Saing untuk meningkatkan Kinerja perusahaan (Studi pada Usaha Mikro Percetakan Digital Printing di Kota Pekanbaru-Riau)

Nurul Hidayah, Sri Indarti


The purpose of this research was to know the influences of TQM practices on
quality culture and competitiviness to increase company performance (Study on Digital
printing toward Micro Business in Pekanbaru-Riau. The Population of this research is 179
Digital Printing and the researcher used all Digital Printing Industry as samples. The
sampling method used is census method. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used
analysis of the data and processed with software WarpPLS 3.0.The result of this research
was significant effect and positive impact on TQM practices on quality culture and
competitiveness. Quality Culture was positive impact but not significant effect toward the
company performance. The competitiveness was Positive impact but Not Significant effect
in company Performance. TQM value of 4.15, Quality Culture of 4.01, Competitiveness of
4.14 and Company performance of 4.25. All of the variables excellent grade intervals.The
research recommendation, for all micro digital printing businesses in Pekanbaru-Riau to
increase quality product to produced in order to increase the quality culture of existing
printing. Printing businesses more motivated their employee and participated in training,
workshops and unique design to meet customer needs. Printing businesses offering
competitive prices and to increase efforts in the competition and followed by delivering
products that have quality assurance. The comsumer is the main priority of the company to
develop partnerships with the main stakeholders in the long term for the company to
survive and thrive with a good performance.


Total Quality Management, Quality Culture, Competitiveness, Company Performance.

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